Danielle Tooker Digital Portfolio
TF-V. Productivity and Professional Practice
Philosophy of Teaching
Program of Study
TF-I. Technology Operations and Concepts
TF-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
TF-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
TF-IV. Assessment and Evaluation
TF-V. Productivity and Professional Practice
TF-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
TF-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments
TF-VIII. Leadership and Vision
Contact Me
Site Map

TF-V.     Productivity and Professional Practice

              Educational technology facilitators apply technology to enhance and improve personal productivity and professional practice. Educational technology faciltators:

       A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. Candidates:

       1. identify resources and participate in professional development activities and professional technology organizations to support ongoing professional growth related to technology.

       2. disseminate information on district-wide policies for the professional growth opportunities for staff, faculty, and administrators.

B.    Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. Candidates:

       1. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

C.    Apply technology to increase productivity. Candidates:

       1. model advanced features of word processing, desktop publishing, graphics programs, and utilities to develop professional products.

       2. assist others in locating, selecting, capturing, and integrating video and digital images in various formats for use in presentations, publications, and/or other products.

       3. demonstrate the use of specific-purpose electronic devices (such as graphic calculators, language translators, scientific probeware, or electronic thesaurus) in content areas.

       4. use a variety of distance learning systems and use at least one to support personal/professional development.

       5. use instructional design principles to develop hypermedia and multimedia products to support personal and professional development.

       6. select appropriate tools for communicating concepts, conducting research, and solving problems for an intended audience and purpose.

       7. use examples of emerging programming, authoring or problem-solving environments that support personal/professional development.

       8. set and manipulate preferences, defaults, and other selectable features of operating systems and productivity tool programs commonly found in PK-12 schools.

D.    Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community to nurture student learning. Candidates:

       1. model the use of telecommunications tools and resources for information sharing, remote information access, and multimedia/hypermedia publishing in order to nurture student learning.

       2. communicate with colleagues and discuss current research to support instruction, using applications including electronic mail, online conferencing, and Web browsers.

       3. participate in online collaborative curricular projects and team activities to build bodies of knowledge around specific topics.

       4. design, develop, and maintain Web pages and sites that support communication between the school and community.


TF-V Reflection and Artifacts


TF-V.  Productivity and Professional Practice is the standard that allows educators to improve their productivity and professional teaching methods. This standard identifies the technology that is utlilized everyday by professional teachers such as email, video conferences, on-line graduate courses, website building,  and collaborative projects that use technology and authoring tools to solve a problem. This digital portfolio is a prime example of using available technology to communicate with administrators, faculty or peers. My second example is a blog which professional educators could reflect on. I have included a small blog which was built for students but could easily be made for teachers. My third example is a collaborative Powerpoint project created to educate faculty on the use of Microsoft Moviemaker. This powerpoint can be used for an inservice for teachers as well as for demonstration to students before an assigned project with moviemaker.A feedback survey is also attached. My final example would be Kittatinny Regional High's website for use by students, parents, community and faculty and staff.



Sewing Tips Blog

Collaberative Powerpoint project in Moviemaker for educators

Moviemaker feedback survey for faculty

Kittatinny Regional High School Website

For more information please contact me at danni6055@embarqmail.com

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