Danielle Tooker Digital Portfolio

Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

Philosophy of Teaching
Program of Study
TF-I. Technology Operations and Concepts
TF-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
TF-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
TF-IV. Assessment and Evaluation
TF-V. Productivity and Professional Practice
TF-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
TF-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments
TF-VIII. Leadership and Vision
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My Teaching Philosophy

When educating students both children and adults it is very important to make that lesson relevant to their lives. So much information is given to our children each day and so many students feel that most is irrelevant. Will they remember the information they were given? Not unless you make it a point to show them why they are learning it and how they can apply it to their daily lives. Human contact, team work and peer interaction make the learning experience real and viable. I believe in incorporating constructionism methods of teaching into my classroom by giving students real life problems that they can design and build real life solution for. I have always been successful when applying these methods in my own learning and find it the most comprehensive way of teaching in the classroom. Making learning relevant, hands on, and meaningful can make all the difference in the success of those students. For more information on the constructionism teaching method you can visit my website which I created for educational professionals.

What is Constructionism and how to apply it to education.

Benefits of constructionism in the classroom artical review

References Available on Request

To contact me by email click here.

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