Danielle Tooker Digital Portfolio
TF-I. Technology Operations and Concepts
Philosophy of Teaching
Program of Study
TF-I. Technology Operations and Concepts
TF-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
TF-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
TF-IV. Assessment and Evaluation
TF-V. Productivity and Professional Practice
TF-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
TF-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments
TF-VIII. Leadership and Vision
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TF-I.     Technology Operations and Concepts

             Educational technology facilitators demonstrate an in-depth understanding of technology operations and concepts. Educational technology facilitators:

       A. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers). Candidates:

       1. assist teachers in the ongoing development of knowledge, skills, and understanding of technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state technology plans.

       2. provide assistance to teachers in identifying technology systems, resources, and services to meet specific learning needs.

B.    Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. Candidates:

       1. Model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts.


TF-I Reflection and Artifacts


TF-1 Technology operations and concepts provides teachers with the ongoing support and education that is neccessary to continue postive technological growth in the classroom. I have provided the following artifacts that I have created that demonstrate this standard. I was given the opportunity to conduct a inservice for our faculty on WebQuests. The link for the webquest along with the survey for faculty after the inservice is included. This Tech standard is met by providing teachers with this technology related inservices.

WebQuest Sample

WebQuest worksheet and Faculty Survey

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